
Ustream reflection from end of conference

Page history last edited by Darren Kuropatwa 16 years, 6 months ago

 TV Show hosted by Ustream


Archive of Ustream chat below ...


 12:08 metaweb : Hi all

 12:09 dkuropatwa : Hi Folks, glad o have you join us!

 12:10 bhazzard : hello

 12:10 wjohnsen : thanks for the tweet

 12:10 metaweb : My Ning is http://metamexico.ning.com for English as a foreign language teachers

 12:11 coachnorm : glad to be here

 12:11 metaweb : Ning great place to start a PLN for a newbie

 12:11 bcdtech : Sounds like BLC was great!

 12:11 alicebarr : Darren: Aren't you supposed to be on the bus?

 12:12 bcdtech : Hi Alice

 12:12 alicebarr : HI bcdtech!

 12:12 dkuropatwa : @Alice I got 10 min ;-)

 12:12 cfisher : alice why aren't you here?

 12:12 alicebarr : :)

 12:12 bhazzard : As tools emerge, the building of tools custimized for education must emerge...

 12:12 alicebarr : I may come right now........

 12:13 bcdtech : @Alice- I thought you were there?

 12:13 metaweb : Ning still needs some work tho .. they do not have email verfication, so anyone can sign up with false email .. I dont like that

 12:13 bhazzard : How to bring people there?  Get content that is actually valuable on the ning...

 12:13 alicebarr : I am.... in a session but about to bail

 12:14 bhazzard : This conference has many items fragmented (ustream, etc.).  Ning could be used a collection agent for thought, conversation and dialogue

 12:14 metaweb : @bhazzard yes .. exactly

 12:14 bcdtech : Is there audio/video on this- or just the chat?

 12:14 metaweb : I was in the BLC Ning from the get go .. but not many there...

 12:15 bcdtech : Ah- there it is!

 12:15 kernkelley : awww they're making me feel bad for not being there :(

 12:16 kernkelley : Who's streaming?

 12:16 bhazzard : conferences with session happening during the final day must end... what about a formalized structure that encourages this type of reflection that we are watching now?

 12:16 dkuropatwa : It's on my channel right now .. Catching a bus soon so we might switch.

 12:17 kernkelley : thanks Darren

 12:18 kernkelley : Maybe should have been a student group who's job was to ustream/backchannel sessions (or maybe just keynotes)

 12:19 bhazzard : i love it when Darren 'riffs' on an idea!

 12:19 bcdtech : Absolutely agree with Ben- time for reflection is critical- remember the ideas from Ewan- should be part of the process- maybe part of the incubation process

 12:20 bhazzard : tell him the conference will be revised!

 12:20 kernkelley : Hi Alice!

 12:20 bcdtech : Glad you made it Alice!

 12:20 mrsdurff : can hear in another browser

 12:21 mrsdurff : someone remind me of that next time

 12:22 bcdtech : How can you make newbies feel comfortable in these refelction sessions? It can be intimidating.

 12:22 mrsdurff : so was blc08 worth the $$?

 12:22 kathycassidy : Good question!

 12:22 mrsdurff : ask them someone

 12:22 mrsdurff : he ougght to be streaming that!!

 12:23 mrsdurff : who is that?

 12:23 mrsdurff : anyone know?

 12:23 kernkelley : they should probably do some 'homework' before they come to a conference like this

 12:23 mrsdurff : like?

 12:23 mrsdurff : suggestionds?

 12:24 mrsdurff : you spell it

 12:24 metaweb : maybe Sarah?

 12:24 mrsdurff : maria - CAB!

 12:24 bcdtech : @kernkelley- what homework? I read blogs, respond to some, but feel intimidated to talk to the "famous" people

 12:24 mrsdurff : sarah whom?

 12:24 dkuropatwa-1 : sarah and now maria

 12:24 mrsdurff : ty

 12:24 kathycassidy : Homework like being familiar with the work of the presenters so that it can deal with the ideas and not spend so much time on what is already available.

 12:24 dkuropatwa-1 : sarah kadjer

 12:25 mrsdurff : i don't know sarah

 12:25 mrsdurff : hi sartah

 12:25 mrsdurff : i cannot spell

 12:25 mrsdurff : or type

 12:25 mrsdurff : a merry go round?

 12:25 metaweb : I got it right, get a prize?

 12:25 kernkelley : @bcdtech if you're familiar with the tools, more time can be spent on how to use them rather than details that are hard to get from a lecture anyway

 12:25 mrsdurff : what is it?

 12:26 bhazzard : what about confeerence design that promotes learning?

 12:26 mrsdurff : power!

 12:26 nnorris : @mrsdurf I just read sarah's blog today. She's awesome. You should look her up.

 12:26 mrsdurff : url? twittername?

 12:26 bcdtech : @kernkelley- I guess I'm not talking about the tools- but about how to build relationships with other teachers at these conferences.

 12:27 cfisher : @skajder

 12:27 bhazzard : round tables Darren... rooms with round tables

 12:27 mrsdurff : so unconferences inbetween

 12:27 kernkelley : @bcdtech so do you think people should be grouped?

 12:27 bcdtech : Alice and Maria and Cheryl aren't too scarey- but met them in a very small group- need more small groups!

 12:27 mrsdurff : power in all rooms + a page where all ustreams live

 12:28 kernkelley : @durff definitely!

 12:28 bhazzard : right on @mrsdurff,  right on!

 12:28 metaweb : http://reasonstowrite.wordpress.com/

 12:28 cfanch : I never heard of BLC 2008 so don't feel bad

 12:28 mrsdurff : not seeing keynotes due to power was frustrating

 12:28 mrsdurff : I look forward to EduCon2.1

 12:29 mrsdurff : how was the cruise?

 12:29 bhazzard : the truth is, I wonder about the conference organizers.  Will they want this content which is a commodity given away freely?  Are they just turning a blind eye right now or really embrassing it (i.e. no power is strategic)?

 12:30 bhazzard : embracing

 12:30 mrsdurff : I was listening to Joyce's on Sprankle's page when this was posted

 12:30 kathycassidy : @bhazzard teachers can't stop correcting.

 12:30 mrsdurff : hey!

 12:31 metaweb : Im English Teacher too Sarah!

 12:31 bhazzard : I know @kathycassidy and I can't spell so I'm always in trouble!

 12:31 kernkelley : @bhazzard that's a tough one. Easy for us to say Give it away for Free! that's what we do, but if you have to pay the presenters, etc...

 12:31 mrsdurff : @metaweb is that sarah's?

 12:31 cfanch : Interesting.  English teachers and tech are always an issue

 12:31 metaweb : Sarah is an English teacher

 12:31 mrsdurff : no, no CAB

 12:32 bhazzard : @kernkelley  I agree this is really complex - the weight of the cost of a conference may collapse OR it may become more popular!

 12:32 bhazzard : Clarence gave me a hug!

 12:32 mrsdurff : aw!\

 12:32 kernkelley : @clarence nice

 12:32 cfanch : That's why tweetups are so great. You meet the avatar

 12:33 bethanyvsmith : clarence i met u at NECC too :) we even shred a cab back from the bloggers dinner

 12:33 mrsdurff : and get hugs

 12:33 metaweb : I think Sarah's point is important .. new voices need to be included

 12:33 mrsdurff : bye!

 12:33 kernkelley : later everyone

 12:33 bcdtech : bye

 12:33 bhazzard : bye!

 12:33 cfanch : Adios

 12:33 mrsdurff : clap clap

 12:33 metaweb : Plurk still down?

 12:33 coachnorm : great discussion.

 12:33 coachnorm : bye


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