

Page history last edited by Darren Kuropatwa 1 year, 6 months ago



Darren Kuropatwa's Presentation Wiki

Building Learning Communities Conference 2008


Below you will find descriptions of each of the presentations I gave this year at Alan November's Building Learning communities Conference. There is a page on the wiki devoted to each presentation where you can find an archive of the slides and some additional content generated by the participants while in session.


Contact info:

blog: A Difference

email: dkuropatwa {at} gmail {dot} com

twitter: dkuropatwa

slideshare: dkuropatwa

del.icio.us: dkuropatwa

flickr: dkuropatwa

it's the same all across the netiverse .... 


Last minute Ustream reflection from end of conference.


Wednesday, July 16 @ 10:20am

What Can I Do Now That I Couldn't Do Before? (exploring new pedagogies)

It's about getting a kid's voice out there and giving them an audience. If you write an essay and I'm the only one reading it, nothing grows from that. Over time the ideas die. (Clarence Fisher, 2007)

A concrete step-by-step overview of how one teacher leverages flickr, Google Docs, blogs, SlideShare.net and the internet to develop "expert voices" and foster creativity in his students. The model shown can be easily transferred to other domains and disciplines. We will also look at a new spin on assessment and how to involve students deeply in the design of assessment rubrics.




Thursday, July 17 @ 10:20am 

A Day in the Life (of a teacher teaching with technology)

Walk with me through a typical day in the life or a teacher whose pedagogy is infused with all sorts of web 2.0 tools. We'll explore how teaching and professional development intersect in the course of a normal day and how a blog can serve as the central hub for the online presence of several different classes. The discussion will focus more on pedagogy than how a particular tool works.



Friday, July 18 @ 8:30am 

Everything New is Old Again (co-presenter Clarence Fisher)

In the face of rapid technological change, where every "new tool" is "old" a week later, there are equally rapid changes occurring in our society and culture. How do these changes impact students in our classrooms? How do they impact teachers and pedagogy? This presentation will explore the intersection of societal change and the evolving pedagogies that frame teaching and learning in the 21st Century classroom.





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